Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday!!

I’m so happy it’s Friday and almost the weekend! I can’t wait to almost sleep in until 7:30 😂

I’m linking up with a few of my favorite bloggers to share some favorites of the week!


I met Jess for mani/pedi time with some queso and margaritas mixed in Wednesday night!  It was such a fun girls night and I was home at 7- perfect!


I totally drank the Lipsense kool-aid and now i’m in love!! I tried Kiss for a Cause thanks to April and I totally love it! I have it on in the above picture!  I tried it yesterday while at work and y’all… I put it on at 5:40 am and it stayed on ALL day!! I took it off finally around 6 and it was still looking great.  Now, I feel the need to get all the colors because #duh.  Or maybe I just need to become a distributor so I can get a discount 😉


The #Nsale… as if you didn’t expect this to be one of my favorites!? I ordered a few things online yesterday and checked in store yesterday on my lunch!  I wasn’t as crazy about it this year as last but I still found so many things I swear I need 🙂 Did you shop it?!


I am totally one of those crazy people who LOVE Christmas… if you’re new around here, beware! 🙂 Some of you are thinking i’m crazy and annoying while the others are totally on board with me!  I already purchased our tickets for How the Grinch Stole Christmas at the Children’s Theatre and I’m so excited because Hallmark has their “Christmas in July” for the week!  I plan to watch a few Christmas movies this weekend to hopefully get my fix!

The weather was a high of 65 yesterday and it just seemed like fall already! It’s supposed to be back to 90 defeees tomorrow though so I’m happy to report summer is still around 🙂 

Hope you have a great weekend! Do you have any fun plans?!


19 thoughts on “Friday Favorites!

  1. The Pink Shoe Girl says:

    We’re totally on the same page with life. I’m hoping to get a mani/pedi this weekend. After that I’m curling up on the couch to watch Hallmark movies. It’s supposed to be cold and rainy so I won’t even feel bad! 🙂

    Happy weekend!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Every Piece Fits // Rebecca says:

    First of all I am so jelly that the high was 65 yesterday! It’s miserably hot and humid here Your nails look great! It’s on my to-do list to get a (desperately needed) mani/pedi asap. I have been perusing the #nsale online and have my cart ready to go. The sad thing is that everything I held out on ordering hoping that they’d go on sale not only didn’t – but now they’re sold out. =/ Oh well, I guess I saved some dough on that fail. =) I hope you have a fab weekend girlie! XO

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lisa Richardson says:

    Oh that fickle MN weather. Mexican and mani/pedis…sign me up!!! Ok, so the LipSense. I’ve been seeing little Ms. Cutie April’s posts and insta’s on this stuff and then I read some reviews that said it burned and what not? Have you experienced any of that. I love that color on you would love to put on my lips and then forget it! Like crock pot cooking but for your lips. Fix it and forget it. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    • happilyevergriedls says:

      Haha I love your analogy!! I haven’t had any experience with burning or anything thankfully! I even had an allergic reaction to some of my other lip stuff so I was nervous about it but it’s been great! I used it again all day today and I’m happy to report it’s still there 🙂 I keep checking the mirror after I eat since I’m used to it rubbing off – but nope! April is the cutest and she was so helpful!


    • happilyevergriedls says:

      I haven’t seen a few of the ones that were on today and it made me so excited to have them on in the background while I worked! I totally feel you on the Nsale! I need to do a post of what I got – maybe I’ll make logan take a few pics since he loves to so much! 😂


  4. Alex M-s says:

    Girl, I’m with you on Christmas though. Did you see that Hallmark just announced the news that they’re releasing a record breaking 33 Christmas movies this season?! I haven’t actually ever watched one (I know), but they had a list of all the plots and they all sound pretty bad, but oh-so good 😉

    I’m also on that Lipsense wagon. My cousin is a distributor and I’m thinking of joining her team as one as well! We shall see. I have Mulled Wine, Praline Rose, and I just grabbed Dawn Rising. Can’t wait for it to come in the mail.

    Liked by 1 person

    • happilyevergriedls says:

      You definitely need to watch those movies when they come out!! Or this weekend if you have some time! 🙂 they’re totally terrible plots (and they’re all so similar) but they’re so good!

      Oo I want to try all those! Praline rose looks so pretty!! I want all of them so I’m thinking I need to start as a distributor to get a little discount! Ha! Let me know if you becomes one!


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